Who is this man blown in on the hot wind…
a stranger to the place…

he comes to proclaim the Kingdom of God:
the pearl with no price…

the unploughed field which yet has the greatest treasure…
lilies in the dust.

Rabbi, Rabbi, they say… but their words lack weight –
for what is their Kingdom?

It is the coin pressed in the palm of the hand…
the goat’s milk in the pail…

the number of sheep on the hill’s slope.
And when he points to a child

there is only a ripple of disbelief – for the boy is slow-witted
and merely grins…

so the man picks up a stick…and makes a mark in  the sand.
It disappears in the wind.

And somewhere a forester is axing a tree…
and somewhere a merchant is distilling vinegar…

and somewhere a blacksmith is forging nails…3_rumi.html